Saturday, August 29, 2009

'Cos Crazy Comes Naturally...

I am now going to say something totally against my principles... because my new principle is to NOT BE RIGID.... "Find a new love the moment you fall out of love with the previous one"... with certain conditions followed, of course. The longer you are alone, the crazier you get. At least that is what happens to me. I reach this point when I can leave everyone who loves me and go to the hills to live the life of a hermit... a hermit with a bottle of alcohol... haha =)

And I don't mean you go LOOK for someone, just be friendly and you'll soon find someone who fits most of your criteria. And do things you totally would not have expected yourself to be doing. Do the most unpredictable thing.... Shock your friends and yourself... :)

Be crazy and live each second of every minute of every hour of every day....

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