Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The shining stars
were gaping holes in the sky
The mystic river
was a sign of the great flood
The happiness was
A sign of the imminent danger-
The inevitability.

The smile was
make believe
The only comfort was
the epiphany-
What does not exist t'moro
Cannot matter today

And what keeps me going 
Is the faith in that 'one day'

And light peers out from between
Filling the darkness with a gloom
Creeping into the emptiness
Perhaps a bit too soon

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Illusion of a convex mirror

Illusion of a convex mirror. It stretches you out so you are the only thing that you can see. And you just stare at yourself all day, and all night long. Waiting for that little flicker of movement that you'll see when you move your arm wildly, but you notice nothing. You don't make that difference, you don't make any difference at all. Its all an illusion of the mind, that leads you to believe....that you matter.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Flying Times

The person who you are isn't the person who you used to be. Want to track your movement? Try GPS. Want to track your emotions? Write a diary entry. Thats just what I did... and then I thought about my blog. I felt this internal strife between the two - this electronic collection of the coagulation of thought in my head, and that - those words, often scratched out and torn, inked with colours different..and the killing difference, the handwriting... the tilt, the shape of each 'r'... different for every moment in my life. If my words didn't describe, the writing didn't decieve. Its like my eyes knew what my mind couldn't process - there was a mystery behind the words that i did write. Something I could recall, perhaps.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Facades of the World

Some people are born talkers, some are born thinkers.. the others, whether fortunately or unfortunately, fall into neither of the two categories. Those kind of people just go along with the crowd much like a herd of sheep. There is a possibility that there might just be a wolf lurking about in sheep's clothing somewhere in the herd, but who can tell.
The people who are the talkers prefer to be seen and heard, but are not very good with expressing their feelings and emotions. The thinkers can be big talkers but they usually stay quiet a lot - lost in thought.

What I have just listed to you are different types of social behaviour that I have noticed, and classified into the two categories of talkers and thinkers. I claim to be a thinker who is a web-talker. If you meet me in person there is a good chance that you won't hear a single peek out of me. But here, well here the true demon in me is unleashed. THIS is my social facade. When I became well versed with social networking a few years back, I thought to myself, 'Oh yay! The biggest obstacle in my life - My social awkwardness - can now be overcome'
But tsk tsk tsk maybe it was my immature fourteen year old mind stretching things too far or maybe it was my lack of insight that shielded me at that point from the dark truth- you can never run away from society.
You cannot spend your life in a jungle dressed in leaves and surviving on roots. You cannot give up the worldly aspects of the world around you and go be a sage in the Great Himalayas. Well, not practically at least. So, back to the story, I realised only a few months (or years) later that I had become even more socially awkward. Now people had started to acknowledge the fact that I was two people- one was the Cyber Me who could talk, be witty and imaginative. The Other Me was this somewhat dumb shy person who would never give you a chance to talk to her. 

The point that I am trying to make is that you should not get so wrapped up in a world that is not tangible so that you forget what is around you. In this case, not just because of your dependency on these man-made means of communication or your dependency on electricity simply, but because the basis of social networking lies in the social networking that exists off the Internet or in the Social Networking that exists when you talk and mingle with people in person, and if you do not understand that you can only get that far with networking through any other means.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Myopic Vision

I've never been the kind of person to look too far ahead. I don't quite see the point. It's not like we can stop a catastrophe from occurring or change the world somehow like the superhero's in 'The Avenger' could.. I suppose we can prepare for it but if we don't know what to expect how can we prepare ourselves? And even when we claim to cry out, "Hey I'm going to prepare for my future"; because your future is so unforeseeable, what is it that you are supposed to prepare for exactly? Some people, at the raw age of 19 or 20 make plans for a great/somewhat great future and have a step one-step two process well set in their heads and maybe even on paper or in a journal somewhere. More so, we are even expected to be that way-"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" I suppose that is just a way of judging a person's ambitions, confidence and belief in the credibility of his or her ambitions.. But at the same time we start to compare ourselves, at an early age, to the ambitions of others. And no two people are alike. Everybody is made up of the same matter (or cells or tissues or whatever you want to call it), and they may work in similar ways but there is a good chance that the person that you are comparing yourself to works in a very different way which is why he or she is or has reached a place so different from you, causing the need for a comparison in the first place. That person's achievement in relation to time might be magnanimous but maybe if you continue to believe in yourself, in another ten or twenty years your average achievement might be magnanimous in comparison to that person's.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

My kind of different is your kind of indifferent

The world is a place. It is a space. Much like that space bar on your keyboard - very essential to your typing yet you cannot help but wish that there was an easier way to separate your words. But you are so used to this kind of typing that you do not question it...
As for now all that I am trying to talk about are things that do not matter as much as I pretend to myself (and to you) that they do. Because I am currently facing an avoidance of the issue that has blocked (and has had me blog-ged as well) from any positive emotion as such. Now that is my kind of indifferent. The pretense, the mind games. A complete ruthless denial. A never-not-seen-before refusal to succumb to the fact that I am merely a puppet. A muse. That all that I have or what I choose to believe that I have is but something that had been bestowed on me by a bigger something.. a choice that never even was mine to make.. an option, conclusively, that was a compulsion that was forced on me.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A simple statement which reflects my mood for the day: Somehow when I am sad, I find it very difficult to be happy.

There was a time in my life when the faint of a smile would bring great fear with it… I didn’t want to be too happy because I theoretically knew that an upward graph can only go one way once it reached its peak. But then a wonderful something happened to me. You can call it love (for life or for a person, I’d rather not say); immense faith, fortune or even misfortune. It all depends on how you look at it. Whether you look at it as a graph that curved its way upwards and resulted in a slant downwards, or as a curve that reached a high point no other curve had been or even dreamt of. “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” If you want to be cynical you can find a way to be so in the wealthiest and the prettiest of situations. And I am no cynic. A well-graded psychology report too told me very recently that I am highly unrealistic and optimistic. Quite a deadly combination, don’t you think. So I can live on in my world of denial for almost forever as I see the picture so much clearer and more beautiful than it actually is and while I am living on in that frame of mind in a strange sort of unreal denial, I will unrealistically not see where I am headed. I will bask in the glory of my unrealistic dreams and optimistically tread my way through the thorny bushes (which might even prick me, but I won’t feel the pain because in my head there ARE no thorns) and I will feel the pain only later when a lot has happened and I have been brought back into my size five shoes which have been lying peacefully on the ground the entire time.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

How ideal is your idea, really, if you're idle about it.

Brilliant visions don't always make a brilliant future, but brilliant ideas definitely make brilliant innovations. But how innovative will you be if your idea remains an idea, and only just an idea?

We do not lack talent. What we do lack, is spirit.. If the incentive, the AWARD is not visible we do not have any reason to act upon our ideas. So is it all just about the victory, then? Does nobody, if even a little sadistically, want to taste defeat or failure? Are we so busy competing with the entire world, be it for marks, jobs or a 'brilliant future' that we have forgotten that beauty lies in originality and in a sense of accomplishment not just fiscal accomplishment or social, but one that enhances self-actualisation?

IDEAS are what keep us going. Us, as a society or an economy or a developmental force.. Ideas are what keep us alive and useful. We must not give in, to the dreary tick-tock of the clock, or the monotony of our lives and we must keep the fire of innovation alive!